Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Taiwan Vacation - Train Ride from Yilan to Hualian (Day 2)

Date: Dec 8, 2013

There is this coastal highway 苏花公路 from Yilan to Hualian. I heard is pretty dangerous, as they may be rocks falling down, and the up down up down journey will makes the kids vomit and dizzy.

So, let's don't be gek-khiang here.

Let's all take the train.

And let our private tour guides and vans take care of our heavy luggages.

So, the luggages will be in the van and move out to Hualian on road. And we take the train.

Such. A nice arrangement!

Let me tell you, the kids love it a lot.

Hi Kay & Gwen.

The kids anxiously waiting for the train.

And finally it came.

How come is not Shinkansen??

It's a slow train. Bullet train is on the last day.

The kids love the train. They will sit there and watch.

When more interesting things came up, they will gather other to come and watch.

In the tunnel, nothing to watch, then they sit down.

Got things to watch, they look out the mirror again.

The sea... The sea...

40min later we arrive first. And we are waiting for the convoy to come.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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